Chapter 1: Introduction to Python
What is Python?
Features of Python
Applications Of Python
Python Installation
First Python Program
Chapter 2: Modules, Comment & Pip
Chapter 3: Variables, Data Types Keywords & Operators
Variables in Python
Identifier in Python
Data Types in Python
Keywords in Python
Operators in Python
Chapter 4: List, Dictionary, Set, Tuples & Type Conversion
Lists in Python
Dictionary in Python
Set in Python
Tuple in Python
Chapter 5: Flow Control
Python Indentation
if-else Statement
elif Statement
Nested if Statement
Chapter 6: Loops
Chapter 7: Strings
Chapter 8: Functions
Function in Python
Creating a Function
Function Calling
Return Statement
Arguments in Function
Scope Of Variable
Chapter 9: File Handling
Introduction to file input/output
Opening and Closing Files
Reading and Writing Text Files
Working with Binary Files
Exception Handling in File Operations
Chapter 10: Object Oriented Programming
Introduction to OOP in Python
Classes and Objects
Constructor and Destructors
Inheritance & Polymorphism
Encapsulation and Data Hiding
Method Overriding and Overloading
Chapter 11: Exception Handling
Introduction to Exception Handling
Exception Handling Mechanism
Handling Multiple Exception
Customer Expectation
Error Handling Strategies
Chapter 12: Advanced Data Structure
Chapter 13: Functional Programming
Chapter 14: Working with Files and Directories
Chapter 15: Regular Expression
Introduction to Regular Expression
Pattern Matching with re-Module
Common Regular Expression Pattern
Chapter 16: Web Development with Python
Chapter 17: Data Analysis and Visualisation
Chapter 18: Machine Learning and AI
Introduction to Machine Learning
Using Libraries like scikit Learn and Tesorflow
Simple Machine Learning Example